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January Goals 2009

December 31st, 2008 at 05:25 pm

In no paticular order...

1) Finally Pay back my grandfather [DONE!]

2) Pay off Credit One and cancel the card (Whoot! First step!) [DONE!]

3) Open a savings account instead of using the envelope system [FAILED!]

4) Start 20$ Challenge and lose five pounds [FAILED!]

5) Finish boyfriend's book (its some relationship thing we do. We have been working on it for almost a year now) [FAILED!]

6) Get an xbox 360 and rock out! [Done!]

7) Have a social life at least 3x a week

8) Spend more time with my family [DONE!]

9) Get all my pictures developed. I have like 110 in my memory card. [FAILED!]

10) Fix my super annoying car. Oh, I can't WAIT to trade it in!! [DONE!]

cake AND death

December 13th, 2008 at 03:11 am

Have you ever heard the saying Cake or death? I have always wondered where that saying came from. I thought maybe it had to do with the French Revolution or something but I'm probably way off. How it pretains to me is I'm not getting a choice in the matter. If I did I would obviously choose cake but, when it comes to debt, you get both. Hopefully I get to eat the cake first.

Now, in my last blog I asked ya'll what ya'll thought I should do about canceling my credit cards once I paid them off and the advice seemed kinda down the middle. The last advice I got helped the most. The one about how they would spend the money anyway, even if they cut it up. Yeah, that's totally me. I need to get rid of these cards. I don't want them open and someone steal my identity or me just use the account number on the interenet. I mean, both of those suck.

The bad part is that, when I get out of debt and finally get to cancel those horrible cards, my credit score is gonna drop. That's obviously the death part. The cake being no more debt. Oh, its chocolate too!

I have decided to go ahead and cancel the cards. I don't plan on doing it all at once. I mean, that would be a whole lot of stupid. I'm gonna slowly do this slowly. Maybe over years if it takes it. I plan on keeping maybe two or three and definately keeping my oldest card. The first one to go will definately be my credit one card since I have to pay to use it and its my newest. I'll wait a few months after I cancel that one to cancel another one. Eventually though, I'm gonna be free of this horrible horrible burden and, when I do, I'm totally throwing a party. Ya'll can come too but byob!

Stay fresh ya'll and do be afraid to do things on ya'll's terms. I mean, as much as they want us to believe it, the credit card companies don't own our souls. We decide when we get the cards and we decide when we cancel them so ppphhhbbbbttt on them!!

I need major advice!! Please help me!!!

December 11th, 2008 at 06:30 pm

Okay, here is the, that's a dumb saying...I really want out of debt, like super bad can't-stand-owing-people-stuff-anymore out of debt. Okay, but get this, I also don't want my credit score to suffer because I'm getting out of debt. How does that happen? Canceling my credit cards. Now, I really want to cancel the majority of my cards. I plan on keeping maybe three at the most. I heard through the grapevines, and by grapevines I mean websites about raising credit, that, if you cancel your credit cards, your score will go down. That really sucks. I mean, I don't want to have all these open accounts open that I'm not using but I don't want my credit score to drop once it gets back up.

So what I'm asking ya'll is what do I do? I thought about everytime I pay off two credit cards I close one so it's not like a major drop in a credit line but I dunno if that will cushion anything. Please help me!!

Ha! I loves it!

December 3rd, 2008 at 10:28 pm

Someone wrote a comment on one of my blogs that here I can get some financial C.P.R. Ha!!! I loves it!! (Inspiration for the title) Whoever you are (I...uh...forgot to check the screen name...sorry about that) you made me smile. ^_^

Okay, since I've been gone I took an exam and ate some not needed chinese food (so high in calories!!) and gave my boyfriend my blog url *gulp* and came up with a blog idea. I have given myself little goals, as you can probably see by the nice little side bar there. I have only made it up for five months (technically four since december is focused on just getting by...that and paying down Victoria's)

Okay, here is my plan. Try to stay with me, now. I pay those credit cards off the month I say I will. I know, I know, its pretty revolutionary as far as plans go but I think its worth a shot. Notice I haven't picked some of the more expensive ones like my car and 1fbusa? Well, that's because right now I still haven't got the hours I want at work and I need to also focus on opening a savings account. That's kind of important. Also this works because Firestone has the most interest on it. It goes up 36$ every month. Total suckage. Yep, it dies first.

Now, I have this happy little section called incentives. This may make some of you frown but there are a couple of things I would like to get on that list before I'm out of debt. Obviously a new car and apartment wouldn't be one of them but a girl needs a reward every now and then. My boyfriend really wants an xbox 360 and, well, so do I, so we decided we would split the cost and get this together. No nay-sayers allowed in the comment section because this is a big step for me. I'm not exactly a commetment friendly girl and this will be the first thing that I have bought together with a boyfriend. This is a big step for me and for us as a relationship so I'm not changing my mind on this one. Now, I plan on going halfsies on this in January but that will be after I give my last check to Firestone.

This may sound totally stoopid to a lot of ya'll but I'm really happy with my decision. I'm not saying I'm gonna get something every month. That would be wasteful of my paychecks!! Besides, I don't really want all that much. Also, I should be getting some money in January because I got some extra scholarships. I'm not sure how much yet but I'm sure it should cover some of my debt.

OOOhhh!! I can't wait!!! I'm paying my debt off! I'm paying my debt off! Come one people, do the happy dance with me!

December Goal 2008

December 3rd, 2008 at 07:11 pm

1) Get my Victoria's Secret credit card down to 524.99$ (in other words pay fifty dollars on it. Hey, its the x-mas season! What do you expect?)[FAILED! Well, I did the math and this goal is not gonna be reached. I have way too much to pay for this month and I can't fit this one in. poo.]

2) Buy the rest of these stupid presents...I'm turning into the grinch here [DONE!!]

3) Get some extra hours at work [DONE!]

4) Finish reading all my books!!! [DONE!]

5) Clean out my car (its like a seperate bedroom at this point)[DONE!]

6) Shred all my old bills [DONE!]

7) Clean the clutter out of my life [DONE!]

8) Survive the family gathering that comes with the holidays. [DONE!]

9) Pay back my boyfriend [DONE!]

10) Get a picture with Santa!!!! [DONE!]