Home > cake AND death

cake AND death

December 13th, 2008 at 03:11 am

Have you ever heard the saying Cake or death? I have always wondered where that saying came from. I thought maybe it had to do with the French Revolution or something but I'm probably way off. How it pretains to me is I'm not getting a choice in the matter. If I did I would obviously choose cake but, when it comes to debt, you get both. Hopefully I get to eat the cake first.

Now, in my last blog I asked ya'll what ya'll thought I should do about canceling my credit cards once I paid them off and the advice seemed kinda down the middle. The last advice I got helped the most. The one about how they would spend the money anyway, even if they cut it up. Yeah, that's totally me. I need to get rid of these cards. I don't want them open and someone steal my identity or me just use the account number on the interenet. I mean, both of those suck.

The bad part is that, when I get out of debt and finally get to cancel those horrible cards, my credit score is gonna drop. That's obviously the death part. The cake being no more debt. Oh, its chocolate too!

I have decided to go ahead and cancel the cards. I don't plan on doing it all at once. I mean, that would be a whole lot of stupid. I'm gonna slowly do this slowly. Maybe over years if it takes it. I plan on keeping maybe two or three and definately keeping my oldest card. The first one to go will definately be my credit one card since I have to pay to use it and its my newest. I'll wait a few months after I cancel that one to cancel another one. Eventually though, I'm gonna be free of this horrible horrible burden and, when I do, I'm totally throwing a party. Ya'll can come too but byob!

Stay fresh ya'll and do be afraid to do things on ya'll's terms. I mean, as much as they want us to believe it, the credit card companies don't own our souls. We decide when we get the cards and we decide when we cancel them so ppphhhbbbbttt on them!!

3 Responses to “cake AND death”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    sounds like a good idea.
    if you're not planning on buying a house anytime soon then i think your credit score should go up again anyway, won't it?
    all that stuff is different in my country anyway.

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    I'm glad that you want to get rid of these debts and that you have a plan to do so. Your debt is still managable and you caught yourself on time. Stay strong and work hard. I can't wait until you blog that you're debt free. ;-)

  3. Koppur Says:

    Don't worry too mjuch about your credit score dropping when you cancel the cards. As time goes by and you don't acrue morfe debt, your credit score will raise.

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