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Archive for April, 2009

great new car; horrible new debt part 2

April 26th, 2009 at 12:26 am

Well, after phone stalking my own house I finally got ahold of my mom (don't you hate it when no one answers?) and finally got to talk to her about what each one of us is paying on this wonderful new car of mine. She agreed to half of it so I'm only gonna pay 10,000$ for this car. That's not a bad deal in my opinion. She also said I wouldn't have to pay rent when I moved back in so that adds another fifty in my wallet that I'm thinking will go towards my car or I'll actually allow myself to live on something other than ramen noodles.

On the bad news side, my job still hasn't found me another client to work with. I would absolutely love the extra hours and I'm getting a little nervouse. My big plan was to pay off three credit cards this summer (one for each of my summer months. My summer starts in two weeks by the way and you have no idea what its like getting a client in my job. You pretty much need to let them know you are looking two months in advance...which I did.) but it doesn't look like that's happening. Not unless I have a huge yardsale or something. Maybe I can sell one of my legs or something. How much does a leg go for?

Great new car; horrible new debt

April 24th, 2009 at 06:52 pm

Well, my old car finally died and I had to get a new one. My new car is a 2009 Honda fit sport and I love it. What I don't love about it is the new debt of 20,000$. Yeah, I probably should have got a cheaper car but my mom, who said this was gonna be a gift, insisted I get a brand new car that was safe. She kept insisting that this was the only time she could afford to buy me a car and I should get one I want. As soon as I get the paperwork signed is when she announces to me that this was a gift in that she'll pay for some of it. I am a tad bit pissed. If I knew she was gonna do this I would have waited until August and have worked overtime to save up money. *sigh* oh well. Its done with now I guess. I'm gonna sit down with her today and figure out what "I'll pay for some of it" means. Exactly how much is that? Half of it? a thousand dollars? Five bucks? I'm a little ticked. Just a little.

Well, I tried.

April 10th, 2009 at 09:05 pm

I had the plan to pay off two credit cards this month but after paying off one and a little on the other I realized that if I don't take a break I'm gonna go postal. I have decided to pay off seventy dollars of firestone this month so that way I'll bring it down to 100$ which I can pay off next month. The good part about this is, every extra payment I make on this card will count toward the next month. Its awesome! I can pay ten dollars for three weeks and that's no payments for three months. I wish my other cards were like that.

I would feel kinda guilty about going back on my plan but I don't. I'm so buntout and fed up with everything that, if I don't put some money aside just for me to treat myself with, I'll probably snap. Sucks when you don't earn a lot. I hope I like my summer case because I'm counting on it to get me out of the majority of this debt and keep me sane all in one go.

Hope ya'lls month is going a bit better than mine. This month is Memphis's rainy month so lots of wind, one day its cold, next its hot, and tornadoes should be popping up soon. Fun stuff.

Feeling a little better

April 9th, 2009 at 06:27 pm

Well, I feel a lot better after ranting. I usually do. I have already talked to my boss about getting more hours during the summer which sucks because I hate my job so much but rules because this is probably the only job I'm gonna find with my inexperience that pays so well. I could actually live off this job. If I wasn't limited on hours due to school of course. My plan is to bear with it during the summer and get out of debt in three months. I know its gonna totally blow but I'm preparing for it. It'll be worth it in the end. I just gotta believe it.

I have a month left of classes and feel like I'm kinda scrapping by. I'm in statistics and I swear that's the hardest class in the world. In hell, they'll make you run data. They also won't give you a computer. I have managed to keep a C in that class and, although its my own personal pledge not to accept any grade lower than a B, I'll be very happy with a C.

I'm also in the process of moving back in with my mom. Totally sucks when you have already lived on your own for a year but she needs help with the bills and, in the long run, it'll cost me less in rent.

Paying off Macy's felt great and now I'm in the process of paying off firestone. I really want two cards out of the way for this month. Macy's didn't have a lot left on it so firestone should go too. This takes a lot of dedication on my part and is slightly annoying but I really wanna be out of debt by August. In August I should be getting around 4,000$. I could just wait till then and pay off my debt but I really need a new computer and would like to have a larger emergency fund since my happy 18$ wont cut it if I lose my job.

Well, I think I've ranted enough. I gotta go to class in a few minutes.


April 8th, 2009 at 07:46 pm

Ever felt like you aren't making any progress? I have this little plan all layed out and I don't ever seem able to follow through with it. Either something comes up or...or...well, something just stands in the way. Currently, I'm suffering from burnout from life. I am working really hard to make sure I can reach all my goals in an orderly fashion and in the process I'm burning myself out on everything. I just don't seem to know what I want anymore. I know I wanna finish school and become a psychologist but all the stuff in the meantime I'm not sure about.

I hate my job with a such a passion its becoming retarded. Don't get me wrong, its very rewarding, its just...I hate it. I hate having to get up early, I hate being treated like a slave by the family members of the people I'm helping and I hate not being appreciated. I hate my bills. I'm not even in a lot of debt and I can't seem to get out of it. Its like a freakin' pit. I hate my social life, or I should say a lack of.

I'm just burntout on everything. Definately not a good place to be. Well, at least school is ending for the semester and I'll have a three month break. Oh wait, I have to work full time at my job I can't stand in hopes I'll get out of debt by august. Joy of joys. Sigh...sometimes you just gotta let it out.

Another card bites the dust!

April 7th, 2009 at 04:32 pm

I paid off Macy's today!! Yay!! Okay, well, it had a super low balance and was my smallest minimum payment so I guess its not cause for too much celebration but I'm still super happy! It totally rocks!!!