Home > December Goal 2008

December Goal 2008

December 3rd, 2008 at 07:11 pm

1) Get my Victoria's Secret credit card down to 524.99$ (in other words pay fifty dollars on it. Hey, its the x-mas season! What do you expect?)[FAILED! Well, I did the math and this goal is not gonna be reached. I have way too much to pay for this month and I can't fit this one in. poo.]

2) Buy the rest of these stupid presents...I'm turning into the grinch here [DONE!!]

3) Get some extra hours at work [DONE!]

4) Finish reading all my books!!! [DONE!]

5) Clean out my car (its like a seperate bedroom at this point)[DONE!]

6) Shred all my old bills [DONE!]

7) Clean the clutter out of my life [DONE!]

8) Survive the family gathering that comes with the holidays. [DONE!]

9) Pay back my boyfriend [DONE!]

10) Get a picture with Santa!!!! [DONE!]

5 Responses to “December Goal 2008”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Not to harp, but aren't you paying some to your other debt as well. The numbers will go down there as well.

  2. beautissamiss Says:

    Yeah, I'm paying my other debt down too but one of my goals is to get all my credit cards down to half their limits. Since I still have x-mas gifts to buy I picked the one closest to the 50% mark which is the Victoria's Secret card. That's the card I'm really focusing on this month.

  3. CouponAddict Says:

    What are the interest rates of your debts? I love Dave Ramsey but I disagree with his pay the smallest balance, I am totally about paying off the one with the highest interest rate.

    Great Blog!

  4. noxqsez Says:

    I always find December hard when it comes to money. It's that time of the month to pull money out of your ass Smile

    I agree with CouponAddict. Try to pay off the one with the highest interest rate because that's what's eventually gonna cost you more through time.

  5. baselle Says:

    I say pay off the one you hate the most. Forget the biggest or smallest. I'm not kidding. Your biggest pitfall in this sort of adventure is giving up. Think of your debt as a snake that you want to stomp. When you stomp that snake, you get stoked, and what do you want to do? Stomp another snake! And another. And another. That's the mindset you want to get into.

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