Home > burntout


April 8th, 2009 at 06:46 pm

Ever felt like you aren't making any progress? I have this little plan all layed out and I don't ever seem able to follow through with it. Either something comes up or...or...well, something just stands in the way. Currently, I'm suffering from burnout from life. I am working really hard to make sure I can reach all my goals in an orderly fashion and in the process I'm burning myself out on everything. I just don't seem to know what I want anymore. I know I wanna finish school and become a psychologist but all the stuff in the meantime I'm not sure about.

I hate my job with a such a passion its becoming retarded. Don't get me wrong, its very rewarding, its just...I hate it. I hate having to get up early, I hate being treated like a slave by the family members of the people I'm helping and I hate not being appreciated. I hate my bills. I'm not even in a lot of debt and I can't seem to get out of it. Its like a freakin' pit. I hate my social life, or I should say a lack of.

I'm just burntout on everything. Definately not a good place to be. Well, at least school is ending for the semester and I'll have a three month break. Oh wait, I have to work full time at my job I can't stand in hopes I'll get out of debt by august. Joy of joys. Sigh...sometimes you just gotta let it out.

5 Responses to “burntout”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Have you ever looked into a work-study job through your school? If you qualify for it as part of financial aid, it might be worth looking into. Most work study jobs are still the pits, but some are interesting and can even get you extra hours, beyond the work study hours --and perhaps at a different payscale, too. Some of my friends were able to get work study positions in the same field they were studying for. Other work study jobs may be dead-slow, low responsibility, and boring to the max, but provide the opportunity to at least get some studying done while on the job. Unfortunately, I think they'd all be minimum wage.

  2. whitestripe Says:

    sometimes i feel like that too (it's usually a month or so after i get back from a holiday - i am like 'why the HELL am i WORKING my LIFE away? and this was back when i just had a small car loan at $3500... i am dreading the day when i feel it all get to me now that i share a $304 000 mortgage...)

    anyway. when it happens to me i usually do something i like to treat myself. i buy a new magazine and have a nice long relaxing bath, or a hire a movie i have been wanting to see and have some 'me' time. or go for a nice long walk with an mp3 player. sometimes i just do some yoga. or if you want to spend a little extra money, which i sometimes do, i get a massage or go to a spa.

    do something that re-affirms why you are here, doing what you want, and take some time out for yourself.

  3. smiley2009 Says:

    Aww don't feel that way like Whitestripe said I am dedicated to paying of debt but I also allocate funds from each pay check to spend on "Me". That keeps me going and motivated. In terms of paying off your debt I've been on Dave Ramsey's snowball plan and its awesome it really works. I also keep myself going by telling my self that once my debts are paid off I will be free to spend money as I please.

  4. thriftorama Says:

    I totally know how you feel. I am feeling a bit hopeless myself these days. We just have to keep trudging through and we'll hopefully be happy we did when we come out the other side.

  5. baselle Says:

    First of all, you are making great progress. It just isn't belting you, saying "great progress, great progress."

    It sounds like you are a bit burnt, a tad toasty. Here's a free rejuvenation technique: a good night's sleep. Honest. College students, by definition, are sleep deprived. Its seems bogus and goofy, but a good 9 hours is going to help. A lot.

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