Home > That's Life...and it appears its out to get me

That's Life...and it appears its out to get me

January 13th, 2009 at 04:07 pm

Oh, life. Oh crazy, crazy, need-to-take-your-bipolar-meds life. You are full of suprises.

Yesterday I hadn't seen my friend Rachel in awhile so her and I decided to go grab breakfast at IHOP and go shopping. I had some money on the side to get some clothes because I have this crazy thing about owning nothing but summer clothes. My entire closet is full of sundresses and short sleeves and sexy tops that generally are as thin as some of the starlits in hollywood. Well, I went shopping and ended up with great deals. I mean, I was getting gorgous sweaters for six dollars and I splurged on a baby phat shirt for twenty bucks. You can just smell the tension can't you? I'm never this know its going somewhere. Well, after that I went to the OBGYN to get my depo shot. The lady asked if I wanted it in my hip or arm. I had no idea I could get it in my arm and thought that would be perfect since on my hip its right by the edge of my pants and it bruises it. I had a date so I thought that was the best idea.

Getting ready for my date I realized my arm was hurting so bad it became difficult to move. Lukily that was after I got the sweater on and did my hair. Cuddly Bear always drives so I thought I'd be sweet and drive my car. When we were almost there my car started making this horrible horrible noise. I mean, bad. I had no idea what it was and started to panic praying I could get it in a parking lot somewhere. I managed to do that, thankfully and Cuddly Bear and I looked under the hood pretending we knew something about cars. This nice dude came over and took a look and said that my...what's it called had broken. Some kinda pulley. Levey Pulley? Lever Pulley? Whatever. So we walked to the restraunt, my arm became so sore it was almost impossible to move and my mom drove us home.

I got to bed around tweleve and the firealarm went off at three and everyone had to evacuate the building. Fun times.

Well, Cuddly bear is taking me to firestone today to get it fixed and I'm gonna have to put it on my card because I dunno how much books are. Isn't that great? You get out of debt just to get back in it. One day, I'm gonna get that cheese and I will share it with all of you! We will be the little miceys that one!! I like mice Smile That makes my day better just thinking about them.

5 Responses to “That's Life...and it appears its out to get me ”

  1. lizajane Says:

    Hopefully it won't be too much! It seems like bad luck just pops up out of nowhere sometimes. Hope your arm feels better too.

  2. mooshocker Says:

    Your posts are great! I know you will come out of this okay. You just have such a witty, organized sense about you. Hope your arm gets better. God bless.

  3. Koppur Says:

    Ugh, I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Hopefully today will be better. Hope your arm feels better soon!

  4. baselle Says:

    That happens! That's why you cancel all but one of your cards so you can't be tempted. In the hip the next time.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    whats a depo shot? is it a medication or some kind of birth control?

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