Home > Done screaming

Done screaming

January 8th, 2009 at 11:43 pm

Okay, I am so happy right now. I got my money that I have been waiting for. All 2,294.??$ of it. Its totally wicked awesome if I do say so myself. Plus, I get a paycheck tomorrow so boo yah! Okay, so I have paid off capital one, firestone, and I'm about to pay off credit one but they have some stupid crap about charging me ten bucks for paying online and they are sending me my paper bill monday so I'm gonna wait till then. I ain't given them any extra cash, they are going downtown! And they are gonna live there! In a crummy apartment! And a Super named Ed! Yeah! Eat that! Oh, and then I paid back my grandpa, I just need to pick up some envelopes so I can mail it. I also got my, well, our (my boyfriend and I's) xbox 360. He's playing it right now. He looks so cute....awww....My insides are popping out of toasters again.

I also bought some laundry detergent! Ya'll know I'm happy about that! I was down to like one pair of pants, one tee, and a pair of socks (one small, one two sizes too big). Oh, I can't wait to pay off credit one!!! This is so exciting!!! I'm finally giving it to the man! I can't wait to kick him in the groin for conviencing me credit cards were a great idea. Its comin...its comin...

Well, I'm gonna go back to balancing check books and doin' what I do best...whatever that happens to be. Stay fresh ya'll!!!

4 Responses to “Done screaming”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Wow. That's a lot of money. How did you scare that up? Paying off debt is a great thing to do with it, because you will generate better return than any investment. Congratulations.

  2. thriftorama Says:

    Good for you. It feels good, doesn't it?

  3. kdmoffett25 Says:

    I have credit one too... yes they are ridiculous with their fee to pay them online, so I use my online banking for free to pay them and they get it the same day. Take that to the man!!!

  4. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Congrats! Keep up the resolve to stay debt free!

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