Home > hunger


January 3rd, 2009 at 10:51 pm

I am so hating budgets right now. I have sixteen dollars and some cents to last me until thursday and I am so annoyed. Its not because I chose only having sixteen dollars...well, technically, I did because I paid two bills but that's beside the point!! I have enough groceries to last me a week if I ration (this is of course made up mainly of ramen noodles. Oh, ramen noodles, how I hate thee.) I just ate my something yummy which was salad with grilled chicken slices but now I'm out of chicken and I'm still hungry.

I know, I know, whine whine whine b*%$# b*%$# b*%$# but I am so craving cornbread right now. Well, poop.

At least I paid my bills. Stupid, the man!

3 Responses to “hunger”

  1. Amber Says:

    I have $40 to last me until the next pay period which is the 16th arrrrgh. But hang in there Thursday will be here before you know it

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I am in the same boat. I will have about $50 to last me until NEXT Friday, which will have to be used for gas. I will have to make 2 extra trips in the next two weeks, so it will eat every bit of $50, if not more!

  3. Koppur Says:

    Do you have a Dollar Store near you? Ours has great food, a lot of it 2/$1.

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