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Can't think of a title

December 26th, 2008 at 10:19 pm

Well, christmas was wonderful because we didn't go out of town which meant we spent less money. There was a slight setback in that I was woken up at seven in the morning by people sending me christmas forwards via text messages to which I responded all: 'Don't ya'll have anything better to do?! This holiday is suppose to be about spending time with your family? What the hell! Go be with them and stop sending me forwards! I'm jewish anyway so its not like I give a damn!' then I turned off my phone. (I'm a very angry jew in the morning). Some of ya'll may ask why I celebrate christmas if I'm jewish and I just would like you to know that I don't. My family does. Being the lone jew in a sea of baptist and mormons can be a little more than annoying. Especially when it comes to christmas text messages at seven in the morning.

Today I woke up determined to take advantage of the christmas sales. My boyfriend (The toaster guy from previous entries) is taking me to a fancy restraunt saturday and I needed a nice outfit. Just thinking about him brings back the insides and the toaster. It makes me happy Smile . well, the one shirt that I thought was perfect wasn't on sale but since I got a christmas bonus I went ahead and got it anyway. I know, boo on me, but I just want ya'll to know that absolutely everything else was on sale so I have this absolutely wonderful outfit for less than a 100$ & I am very proud of myself. Man, that was a long sentence. And no, its not 99$ its like 50$.

Since I had all this extra money from taking on the extra case I went ahead and paid two bills that I thought was gonna have to wait until next week. That leaves me enough for groceries and the ability to pay the rest of this months bills (which consists of two) next week. Then, in about two weeks I have scholarship money coming in. I'm still unsure how much I'll be getting but I'm gonna use whatever I get to completely pay off one bill. I'm really excited!!!

Oh, and to top everything else off, I finished all my goals for this month. I finally cleaned out my car! Its amazing! I can actually take people for rides!! I know, I'm amazing. I wasn't able to do one of the goals but that's okay because I'm doing totally awesome on not using a single credit card. I've decided on three I'm actually gonna keep and completely get rid of the rest. Canceling and all. I know it'll hurt my score for awhile but knowing me, if I keep the cards it'll hurt my score even more.

Well, I've rambled enough and if ya'll actually read through that than kudos, give yourself a dollar. Stay fresh!!

4 Responses to “Can't think of a title”

  1. Amber Says:

    lol, I got a ton of early morning text messages as well, seems like no one sends cards any more.
    Good for you on meeting this month's goal and enjoy dinner

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I didn't get any text messages...guess no one loves me! LOL

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I grew up in the same area as you in a religious minority of less then one tenth of one percent of the population. It really is different living somewhere a bit more cosmopolitan for the last thirty years. Never have to explain myself here. Heh, my first Christmas present this year was from an atheist and my second from a Muslim. Well, the times really are different now no matter where you are, I suppose. At any rate, no one ever woke me up with Christmas messages --even back in Memphis. You have all the "luck." Wink

  4. Ms. Pearl Says:

    I think my kids got some forwards Christmas morning but not me!

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