Home > ssssoooooooo tired

ssssoooooooo tired

December 20th, 2008 at 11:43 pm

I am completely exhausted from work but I feel like writing a blog. I dunno why either. You would think I'd take a hot bath, soak, and curl up in bed watching the style network but you'd be wrong because Ruby is on and I've seen that episode.

I can't really think of anything to really write about so I'll just say hi, ya'll! I wont be able to write all next week because I'll be out of town with no internet so Merry Whatever-You-Celebrate and don't be an a$$ if you decide to do last minute shopping.

4 Responses to “ssssoooooooo tired”

  1. homebody Says:

    Merry whatever to you too! In my case that would be Christmas!

  2. fern Says:

    face it, you're hooked on us.

  3. Koppur Says:

    Merry everything! Smile

  4. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Merry whatever to you to...

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