Home > Ode to the christmas crowd

Ode to the christmas crowd

December 13th, 2008 at 07:54 pm

I dunno how ya'll's towns do christmas but mine is pretty insane. I live in Memphis and its like, as soon as november hits peoplke go insane! Its like the end of the world and they only way you will survive is buying everything in arms length. I haven't been to the mall in awhile. I actually try to avoid it around this time because just driving near a mall is hell on earth. Yesterday a friend of mine came in from out of town and she wanted to go shopping because she heard that the mall had some good deals. I decided that was okay because I need to finish some last minute christmas shopping (this is last minute to me).

Oh, I wish we hadn't gone. It was insane and rude and absolutely crazy. I could have slapped several mom's shopping for their children. The soccer mom's need to keep it on the field. If they don't, this is Memphis and they are just begging for a beat down. I mean, I went to public schools and don't think I'm too grown up to forget that. That's an attitude that never leaves.

The good news is I'm totally done christmas shopping! At least for this month. I promised my boyfriend a movie in his gift but I let him know he may not get it until a little later. I'm not going back out in that. Hopefully he understands. I got my mom a desk set and wanted to get her a matching notepad to go with it but I think I'll end up getting her some bath stuff because I still have some from my avon days and need to get rid of it. At least I wont have to go to the mall again!

Oh, happy days!

1 Responses to “Ode to the christmas crowd”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    I am outside of Memphis! And yes, they do go insane!!! They can't drive either!

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