Home > hell day and thanks ya'll for helping me!!

hell day and thanks ya'll for helping me!!

December 3rd, 2008 at 04:52 pm

For those of you who don't know the fun and excitement of losing your social life to textbooks, there is a week of school called Hell Week. Some people refer to this week whenever they have exams such as the first exam, midterms, and finals. Myself, I usually only complain about it when its finals because my final exam usually determines if I have an A or B or B or C (depending on if the class is math). This semester is kind of weird in that all of my exams, save one for next week, are today. I just totally aced one. I mean, I took that sucker in five minutes. I knew all those questions!! True, it was a health exam but I'm all over carbohydrates! Yeah, Boyh!

Okay, back to the reason I was writing this lovely piece of...uh...text. I would like to thank Koppur, Petunia, and Whitestripe for clearing up a little confusion. If there is any info I can give ya'll feel free to ask. If I dunno what the heck to tell ya'll I'll find someone who does. Ya'll did a totally rock star job explaining the twenty dollar challenge to me. Now to decide how I'm gonna do it. hhhmmm....I'm not much of a sells person. Besides, my family is so broke they wouldn't buy anything and living in the ghetto, people wonder why you are knocking on their door. I would give myself twenty bucks whenever Alabama won a football game but their last game is saturday and if I did that ya'll know all my money would be going to savings. Hhhheeeeyyy! Crimson baby!! Yeah, I dunno...I'll have to think about that one.

I was gonna write about debt and the pressure and the stupid mistakes and Dave's tips and monkeys and all that but my baby wants me to go eat luch with him and that man makes my insides jump out of toasters so that's what I'm gonna do. I'll be back later so, in the meantime, ya'll stay fresh.

....By the way, I hate monkeys.

4 Responses to “hell day and thanks ya'll for helping me!!”

  1. Koppur Says:

    "that man makes my insides jump out of toasters"

    LMAO!!! LOVE that expression! I may have to borrow it. *smile*

  2. kdmoffett25 Says:

    UGGG!! My hell day is in 2 weeks... and I have 3 this year, one is Statistics and IT SUCKS!!!! I am just hoping for a C to get rid of the class!!! And congrats and keep those insides in the toaster! LOL

  3. beautissamiss Says:

    I hear you on statistics. I have to take that next semester. This semester is research and that's enough to make my head wanna become friends with a bullet. Rock on though!

  4. baselle Says:

    I remember college. It was in the '80s (1980s!) when the dinosaurs roamed though. Okay Reagan, but you get the idea. We used to joke that so many machines (video, laundry, vending) required quarters that quarters as a coin were worth thirty cents. I mean if you needed a quarter because the machines only took quarters... but you only had three dimes, you'd consider it a fair trade. I tell you this story because college and college students sometimes creates needs that you can exploit and create a sales opportunity. Editing and tutoring are the classics. Robbing a bank is counter-indicated. At least don't blog about it. We'd all be accessories to a crime. Smile

    And I hate clowns...

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