Home > The never ending cycle

The never ending cycle

December 2nd, 2008 at 07:54 pm

Okay, I'm gonna get off this subject for one second. I'm thinking of what to write in my little blog here and I have the TV on. Suddenly I hear this commercial about the Bowflex and this guy says 'I gave all my fat clothes to my fat friends.' That immediately gave me a sour face. I mean, wtf mate? Its been my experience that people who were once overweight don't go around calling other people fat. Plus, that's just rude. I mean, I'm not the skinniest of individuals...besides, he didn't give me any clothes. I'd love to meet this dude. I'll tell him what he can do with that bowflex.

Back on subject! Being in debt is poopy to say the least but I'm noticing a vicious cycle going on here. All my money goes to my credit card debt. I don't have any money to buy things when they brake and they are necessary to my money making, say, oh, fixing my car. Therefore I have to apply for a new credit card. Usually I am then turned down because I have had debt for too long on one card. I am sure this is a conspiracy. A crazy crazy conspiracy. I'm sure Mr. Credit 'The Man' Card is up in his office laughing hysterically as I run around like a mouse in a maze. I just keep getting shocks looking for that little piece of yummy cheese. I just hope its sargento. mmmmm....sargento.... I'm gonna stop applying for credit cards today though. I don't need anymore and I'm sick of owing so much.

On another note, I told my boyfriend that I've started this blog but I'm a little scared to give him the link. I mean, he knows I'm in debt but I think when he sees the numbers he will pass out or something. We are still in college so its not like this is a call off deal or anything but I really don't want him leering over me making sure I get all this paid. I mean, You should see him when I'm sick. Every twenty minutes he pops up and tells me 'DRINK JUICE!!!' he's like clock work. I can only imagine what he would be like if I showed him my cards.

Besides, I really want to get through this on my own. If I can bury myself and can figure out a way to climb out! I saw Kill Bill! Just gotta know how to do that punch. yeah. Also that freecreditreport commercial where the guy is upset that he married a chick with debt really got to me. I was like, 'Oh, man! I don't want anyone to regret being with me!' Actually it had much more obscenities than that but I don't want to be offensive to anyone. Sorry, ya'll!

As to what I'm going to do right now...
well, right now is a little tight because its the holidaze and let me tell, that's not the 'most wonderful time of the year' when you are up to your neck in bills every month. I only have four people left to buy for and I only plan on spending a total of fifty dollars on that. My big plan is to get down to half of my credit limit on all my cards. I'm gonna focus on victoria's this month because I just need to pay 40$ and I'll be on my fifty yard mark. I can do that this month!...I hope.

Well, Ya'll stay fresh and I'm gonna figure out what I can do on this website.

5 Responses to “The never ending cycle”

  1. Petunia Says:

    Having a goal and a plan is half the battle. Sounds like you're off to a good start!

  2. Koppur Says:

    Good luck, you can do this!

  3. Ms. Pearl Says:

    Good luck. I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. fruitbowlk Says:

    Your debt isn't really that bad. I'm not sure if you have a job or not but it can be paid down in no time with hard work. Good luck.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    good luck and welcome! i really like your writing and i'm going to add you to my links Smile how old are you?

    yes you do have debt but it is good that you are doing something about it now before it gets any higher. just one word of advice though: sometimes it's best to be honest, especially with your partner. you don't want it to bite you in the ass later on. i don't know much about american credit scores and stuff but you might want to get a joint loan or something later on down the track and it's much easier knowing that he already knows about the debt you were previously in, than finding out you can't get a loan or have a really high interest rate offer because of something in the past that you didnt tell him about!

    just a thought. even if you just say: i'm in debt - i'm not telling you exactly how much but it's around $xxxx and i'm paying it off and i just want you to know. or something like that.

    welcome. Smile

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